Support us to produce easy to use and affordable emergency ventilators for thousands of people worldwide.

We are an interdisciplinary Startup Team with the goal of producing a battery powered NIV-CPAP Emergency Ventilator, specially developed for COVID-19 affected areas with high population densities and limited medical infrastructure.
The prototype is ready - Help us to get started.

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About AirStraw

AirStraw uses the concept of Non-Invasive Ventilation with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NIV-CPAP), which applies mild air pressure on a continuous basis. It keeps the airways continuously open in people who are able to breathe on their own, but need help keeping their airway unobstructed.

In March 2020 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) suggested that CPAP devices may be used to support patients affect by Covid-19, however they recommended additional filtration to minimize the risk of infectious transmission.

AirStraw is designed to be rapidly deployed in areas or scenarios where the availability of critical medical infrastructure is limited, for example in mobile hospitals. It runs on widely available D Cell or IEC R20 batteries and is able to operate for up to 24 hours before the batteries need to be changed or recharged. It comes with a state of the art air filtration and humidification system, including a tank for sterile water.

The Product

Product Design and its Advantages


Due to the innovative design, the production costs of the AirStraw are much lower than for comparable ventilators. Therefore mass production is possible at a fast rate and cost effective. AirStraw is the perfect device to be deployed on a broad basis against COVID-19 worldwide.

Battery Operated

To be easily deployed in different szenarios with limited infrastructure, AirStraw deliberately relies on battery operation only, which delivers enough power to constantly run the ventilator for up to 24 hours before charching or changing of the batteries.


Non-Invasive Continuous Positive Airway Pressure has proven to be effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. One of the main problems is scarce availability of ventilators for large parts of the population. AirStraw is designed to be used early on to positively affect recovery times.

Worldwide Shipping

The small dimensions and cylindrical shape of the AirStraw makes it possible to easily ship huge amounts of devices worldwide. The individual packages include the required batteries, tube and nose piece. AirStraw comes ready to use.

Founding Team

About us

Bernd Zikulnig

Idea & Concept

Samia Murgham


Bernd Aigner


Support Us

Three fast ways to support us



  • Support AirStraw by investing into our Startup so that we can start the production the soonest.
  • Help us to save lives.

Public Relations / Media


  • Support us by promoting AirStraw through your media channels. It is crucial for our mission success.
  • #AirStraw

Frequently Asked Questions

About AirStraw

What does the AirStraw cost?

149 US-Dollar per AirStraw.

Can the AirStraw be used at home?

Yes. AirStraw is easy to use and works similar to known CPAP devices which are typically used for people who have breathing problems, such as sleep apnea.

What distinguishes the AirStraw from existing CPAP products on the market?

AirStraw is a minimalist version of existing CPAP devices and is designed for production in huge quantities to make it quick available for thousands of people worldwide.

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Vienna, Austria

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